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Parahebe densifolia - 8cm pot Ref: 24ma-49 OUT OF STOCK
Parahebe linifolia 'Blue Skies' - 8cm pot Ref: 13kb-76 OUT OF STOCK
Penstemon hirsutus pygmae Alba - 8cm pot Ref: 14pb-72 OUT OF STOCK
Penstemon pinifolius 'Mersea Yellow' - 8cm pot Ref: 23mc-91 OUT OF STOCKA compact bushy plant with narrow pale green leaves and stems carrying bright yellow narrow tubular flowers in summer. Height -15cm. Well drained soil. Large rock garden or border.
Pernettya prostrata pentlandica, black fruits- 8cm pot Ref: 18mb-25 OUT OF STOCK
Pernettya prostrata pentlandica, lilac fruits - 8cm pot Ref: 18ma-22 OUT OF STOCK
Pernettya sp (small white fruits) - 8cm pot Ref: 21kc-67 OUT OF STOCK
Petrophytum caespitosum - 8cm pot Ref: 14pb-52 OUT OF STOCK
Petrophytum hendersonii - 8cm pot Ref: 9pa-26 OUT OF STOCKA neat little plant with close compact foliage and short creamy yellow spiraea-like spikes of flowers. Height - 5cm.
Phlox douglasii alba - 8cm pot Ref: 23ma-20 OUT OF STOCK
Phlox douglasii 'Eva' - 8cm pot Ref: 9pa-3 OUT OF STOCK
Phlox douglasii 'Kelly's Eye' - 8cm pot Ref: 23ma-22 OUT OF STOCKA low spreading carpet of green foliage with masses of dark pink centred pale pink flowers in spring. Height -3cm. Well drained soil. Rock garden or small border.
Phlox douglasii 'Napoleon' - 8cm pot Ref: 23ma-14 OUT OF STOCK
Phlox douglasii 'Oschenblut' - 8cm pot Ref: 23ma-18 OUT OF STOCK
Phlox douglasii 'Red Admiral' - 8cm pot Ref: 13ma-16 OUT OF STOCKA spreading carpet of pale green narrow leafy stems covered in deep red stemless flowers in late spring. Height -5cm. Well drained soil. Rock garden or trough.
Phlox douglasii Waterloo - 8cm pot Ref: 23ma-7 OUT OF STOCK
Phlox 'Marjorie' - 8cm pot Ref: 14pa-17 OUT OF STOCK
Phylliopsis 'Askival' - 8cm pot Ref: 18mb-42 OUT OF STOCK
Phylliopsis 'Ballinluig' - 8cm pot Ref: 18ma-20 OUT OF STOCK
Phylliopsis 'Coppelia' - 8cm pot Ref: 18mc-61 OUT OF STOCK
Phylliopsis 'Coppelia' - 1ltr pot Ref: 8kb-72 OUT OF STOCK
Phylliopsis hillieri - 8cm pot Ref: 18mc-53 OUT OF STOCK
Phylliopsis 'Hobgoblin' - 8cm pot Ref: 18ma-18 OUT OF STOCK
Phylliopsis 'Mermaid' - 8cm pot Ref: 18ma-3 OUT OF STOCK
Phylliopsis 'Puck' - 8cm pot Ref: 18mc-67 OUT OF STOCK
Phyllodoce breweri - 8cm pot Ref: 18mc-69 OUT OF STOCK
Phyllodoce coerula Murray Lyon form - 8cm pot Ref: 6ma-19 OUT OF STOCK
Phyllodoce intermedia 'Fred Stoker' - 8cm pot Ref: 18mc-58 OUT OF STOCK
Phyllodoce glandulifera x coerulea - 8cm pot Ref: 6ma-23 OUT OF STOCK
Phyllodoce intermedia Drummondii - 8cm pot Ref: 18mc-60 OUT OF STOCK
Phyllodoce tsugaefolia - 8cm pot Ref: 6ma-21 OUT OF STOCK
Pimelea coarctata - 8cm pot Ref: 32pc-67 OUT OF STOCK
Pimelea traversii - 8cm pot Ref: 13kb-101 OUT OF STOCK
Pogonia ophioglossoides - 8cm pot Ref: 6mc-64 OUT OF STOCKAn unusual little orchid with short leafy spikes producing dainty pale pink and white flowers in summer. Height - 10cm. Well drained cool humus soil. Large rock garden or small border.
Polygonum macrophyllum - 8cm pot Ref: 11hc-62 OUT OF STOCK
Potentilla eriocarpa - 8cm pot Ref: 19ma-16 OUT OF STOCKA spreading carpet of close dark green foliage with large bright yellow flowers on short stems in summer. Height - 5cm. Well drained soil. Rock garden or small border.
Potentilla nitida rosea - 8cm pot Ref: 32pb-47 OUT OF STOCK
Potentilla recta 'Aurea' - 8cm pot Ref: 9mc-66 OUT OF STOCK
Pratia angulata - 8cm pot Ref: 20gc-55 OUT OF STOCK
Primula allioni 'Aire Waves' - 8cm pot TS Ref: 14pc-96 OUT OF STOCK
Primula allionii 'Harry Jans' - 8cm pot Ref: 14pb-70 OUT OF STOCK
Primula allionii 'Hemswell Embers' - 8cm pot Ref: 3ka-2 OUT OF STOCK
Primula allioni x hirsuta - 8cm pot Ref: 14pb-73 OUT OF STOCK
Primula allionii 'Wharfedale Ling' - 8cm pot Ref: 14pb-77 OUT OF STOCK
Primula allionii 'Wharfedale Superb' - 8cm pot Ref: 14pc-29 OUT OF STOCK
Primula amoena - 8cm pot Ref: 20gc-52 OUT OF STOCK
Primula x pubescens 'Apple blossom' - 8cm pot Ref: 32pa-19 OUT OF STOCKA close compact plant with light green foliage and large lilac edged white flowers in spring. Height -10cm. Well drained gritty soil. Rock garden or small sunny border.
Primula aureata - 8cm pot Ref: STa-3 OUT OF STOCK
Primula auricula 'Allen Moonbeam' - 8cm pot Ref: 32pb-41 OUT OF STOCK
Primula auricula 'Berninae' (double yellow) - 8cm pot Ref: 14pc-101 OUT OF STOCK
Primula auricula 'Blairside Yellow' - 8cm pot Ref: 32pb-39 OUT OF STOCKA neat little plant with grey green compact foliage and pretty sulphur yellow flowers in spring. Height -10cm. Well drained gritty soil. Rock garden or border.
Primula auricula 'Bradford City' - 8cm pot Ref: 32pa-28 OUT OF STOCK
Primula auricula 'Chloe' - 8cm pot Ref: 14pc-92 OUT OF STOCK
Primula auricula 'Gnome' - 8cm pot Ref: 32pb-36 OUT OF STOCKA neat little auricula with compact grey green foliage and short stems carrying yellow centred deep red flowers in late spring. Height -5cm. Well drained gritty soil. Rock garden or small border.
Primula auricula 'Green Ring' - 8cm pot Ref: 21ma-42 OUT OF STOCK
Primula auricula 'Joyce' - 8cm pot Ref: 14pc-97 OUT OF STOCK
Primula auricula 'Mcwatt's Blue' - 8cm pot Ref: 32pb-44 OUT OF STOCK
Primula auricula 'Mojave' - 8cm pot Ref: 32pa-14 OUT OF STOCKA neat little primula with grey green foliage and yellow centred red flowers with a white ring within.
Primula auricula 'Moonlight' - 8cm pot Ref: 32pa-10 OUT OF STOCKA superb plant with sturdy foliage and slender stems carrying clusters of pale yellow scented flowers in early summer. Height -30cm. Well drained soil. Rock garden or small border,
Primula auricula 'Old Red' - 8cm pot Ref: 32pa-11 OUT OF STOCKA strong growing old fashioned border auricula with deep red crinkled flowers with a deep yellow centre. Height -20cm. Well drained soil. Large rock garden or border.
Primula auricula 'Old Suffolk Bronze' - 8cm pot Ref: 14pc-108 OUT OF STOCKAn old border auricula with strong pale green foliage and upright stems carrying bronze yellow flowers in late spring. Height -20cm. Well drained soil. Rock garden or border.
Primula auricula 'Rumbling Bridge' - 8cm pot Ref: 14pc-103 OUT OF STOCK
Primula auricula 'Scaraben' - 8cm pot Ref: 14pc-95 OUT OF STOCK
Primula auricula Yellow Self - 8cm pot Ref: 14pc-105 OUT OF STOCK
Primula ''Beatrice Lascaris' - 8cm pot Ref: 21ma-10 OUT OF STOCK
Primula 'Beatrice Wooster' - 8cm pot Ref: 32pa-25 OUT OF STOCKCompact pale grey green foliage with masses of almost stemless peachy pink flowers in spring. Height -5cm. Well drained gritty soil. Rock garden or trough.
Primula 'Blindsee' - 8cm pot Ref: 14pc-100 OUT OF STOCK
Primula capitata - 8cm pot Ref: 28ya-23n OUT OF STOCK
Primula chionantha - 8cm pot Ref: STa-17 OUT OF STOCK
Primula chunglensis - 8cm pot Ref: 32ma-8 OUT OF STOCKA primula for the moist peaty garden with tall stems carrying whorls of reddish purple flowers.
Primula 'Clarence Elliot' - 8cm pot Ref: 32pa- OUT OF STOCK
Primula daonensis - 8cm pot Ref: 14hc-100 OUT OF STOCK
Primula denticulata white - 8cm pot Ref: 32pc-87 OUT OF STOCK
Primula denticulata (dark purple flowers) - 8cm pot Ref: 14pc-112 OUT OF STOCK
Primula denticulata (light red) - 8cm pot Ref: 32pc-89 OUT OF STOCKSmall rosettes of leathery smooth leaves with short stems carrying many rich violet flowers. Height -10cm.
Primula farinosa - 8cm pot Ref: 14pa-5 OUT OF STOCK
Primula firmipes - 8cm pot Ref: 32ma-3 OUT OF STOCK
Primula florindae - 8cm pot Ref: 14pa-6 OUT OF STOCK
Primula florindae orange - 8cm pot Ref: 14pa-15 OUT OF STOCK
Primula Garryard Guinevere - 8cm pot Ref: 14pc-90 OUT OF STOCK
Primula 'George Harrison' - 8cm pot Ref: 14pc-99 OUT OF STOCKA superb primula for the rock garden with compact pale green foliage and large clusters of creamy white scented flowers.
Primula glaucescens - 8cm pot Ref: 32pb-33 OUT OF STOCK
Primula 'Hallbarn Blue' - 8cm pot Ref: 32pc-88 OUT OF STOCK
Primula halleri - 8cm pot Ref: 32pb-30 OUT OF STOCK
Primula hazels white (x pubescens) - 8cm pot Ref: 32pb-35 OUT OF STOCKA neat little primula with close compact pale green leaves and short stems of creamy white scented flowers in late spring. Height -7cm. Well drained gritty soil. Rock garden or trough.
Primula 'Jack in the Green' - 8cm pot Ref: 14pb-76 OUT OF STOCK
Primula 'Jack in the Green' - 8cm pot Ref: 32pa-20 OUT OF STOCK
Primula 'Jenny' - 8cm pot Ref: 32pa-27 OUT OF STOCKClose compact foliage forming a dense mound covered with large bright pink flowers in spring. Adds a splash of colour to any rock garden. Height - 3cm. Well drained soil. Rock garden or trough.
Primula juliae - 8cm pot Ref: 9pb88 OUT OF STOCK
Primula juliae 'Groenekans Glorie' - 8cm pot Ref: 14pb-78 OUT OF STOCKFlat rosettes of broad shiny leaves with huge white eyed pink flowers on short stems. Height -5cm.
Primula 'Lindun Precious' - 8cm pot Ref: 32pa-16 OUT OF STOCK
Primula marginata beamishii - 8cm pot Ref: 11hc-66 OUT OF STOCK
Primula marginata 'Linda Pope' (white form) - 8cm pot Ref: 11hb-55 OUT OF STOCK
Primula marginata 'The President' - 8cm pot Ref: 11hc-87 OUT OF STOCK
Primula marginata 'White Lady' - 8cm pot Ref: 32pa-26 OUT OF STOCKA slow growing primula with large grey green coarsely toothed leaves edged with farina. Large white flowers in spring. Height -15cm. Rock garden or trough.
Primula marginata (wild coll) - 8cm pot Ref: 21ma-4 OUT OF STOCK
Primula mistassinica - 8cm pot Ref: 9mc-109 OUT OF STOCK
Primula 'Mrs Wilson' - 8cm pot Ref: 32pb-43 OUT OF STOCK
Primula 'Peter Klein' - 8cm pot Ref: 32pa-1 OUT OF STOCK
Primula petiolaris 'Sheriff's form' - 8cm pot Ref: ST-26 OUT OF STOCK
Primula prolifera - 8cm pot Ref: STa-19n OUT OF STOCK
Primula rosea - 8cm pot Ref: 14pa-41 OUT OF STOCK
Primula ruprechtii (yellow)- 8cm pot Ref: 14pc-107 OUT OF STOCK
Primula secundiflora - 8cm pot Ref: 20ma-10 OUT OF STOCK
Primula sikkimensis var. pudibunda - 8cm pot Ref: 14pa-12 OUT OF STOCK
Primula sino-purpurea - 8cm pot Ref: 11ha-27 OUT OF STOCK
Primula sorachiana - 8cm pot Ref: 24mc-136 OUT OF STOCKA neat little plant with farina covered foliage and short stems carrying clusters of pink/white flowers. Height -10cm.
Primula suffrotescens - 8cm pot Ref: 15ga-30 OUT OF STOCK
Primula tantallon - 8cm pot Ref: sales-8h OUT OF STOCK
Primula veris - 8cm pot Ref: 9mc-94 OUT OF STOCKA low basal clump of pale green slightly toothed leaves and slender stems carrying clusters of pale yellow flowers. Height -15cm. Well drained soil. Rock garden or border.
Primula vialli - 8cm pot Ref: 24mb-95 OUT OF STOCKA close clump of narrow upright slightly hairy pale green foliage with red hot poker-like flowers, red in bud opening to purple on slender stems. Height -30cm. Cool peaty well drained soil. Border.
Primula villosa ex dolomites - 8cm pot Ref: 7ga-27 OUT OF STOCK
Primula vulgaris 'Captain Blood' - 8cm pot Ref: 30hc-60 OUT OF STOCK
Primula vulgaris 'Ken Dearman' - 8cm pot Ref: 25hc-67n OUT OF STOCK
Primula vulgaris 'Quakers Bonnet' - 8cm pot Ref: 30hb-29n OUT OF STOCK
Primula vulgaris 'Sunshine Suzy' - 8cm pot Ref: 32hb-39n OUT OF STOCK
Primula 'Wanda' - 8cm pot Ref: 18pc-118 OUT OF STOCKAn old-fashioned border primula forming clumps of pale green foliage and slender drooping stems carrying large purple flowers in summer. Well drained soil. Height - 15cm.
Primula warshenewskiana - 8cm pot Ref: 14pa-20 OUT OF STOCKClose creeping mats of green rosettes covered in bright pink stemless flowers in late spring. Height - 2cm. Cool peaty humus soil. Cool rock garden or small border.
Primula x pubescens hybrid - 8cm pot Ref: 14pc-109 OUT OF STOCK
Primula x pubescens 'Rufus' - 8cm pot Ref: 32pa-17 OUT OF STOCK
Primula yuparensis - 8cm pot Ref: 20ma-17 OUT OF STOCK
Pritzelago alpina - 8cm pot Ref: 14pa-26 OUT OF STOCK
Prostanthera cuneata - 9cm pot Ref: 9pa-20 OUT OF STOCK
Pulsatilla campanella - 8cm pot Ref: 32ha-17 OUT OF STOCK
Pulsatilla vulgaris (wild coll.) - 8cm pot Ref: 20mb-33 OUT OF STOCK
Pulsatilla vulgaris hybrids - 8cm pot Ref: 32pc-86 OUT OF STOCK
Pygmaea pulvinaris - 8cm pot Ref: 6mc-73 OUT OF STOCK